The III international bilateral online seminar of ANAS and DEU has ended

The III international bilateral online seminar on fundamental sciences of the Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences (ANAS) and Turkey's Dokuz Eylul University (DEU) was successfully held in parallel sections in 6 fields of science..

You can see the list of reports made by Azerbaijan at this link (List of reports).

The Department of Biological and Medical Sciences of ANAS, the Department of Physical-Mathematical and Technical Sciences of ANAS and the Department of Chemical Sciences of ANAS played an active role in organizing and conducting the seminar.

At the end of the seminar, the chairmen of the conference, who spoke at the closing ceremony on the "Zoom" program, Academician Irada Huseynova, Vice-President of ANAS, and Professor Aylin Al, Dean of the Faculty of Science of DEU expressed their belief that the seminar will give a serious boost to the establishment of scientific cooperation relations and conducting joint research aimed at solving the current problems facing science.

Professor Aylin Alın stated that the seminar was a major event in both Azerbaijan and Turkey's scientific and cultural lives, as it allowed for the effective interchange of ideas.

Academician Irada Huseynova thanked the speakers and participants of the seminar. She noted that 28 scientific reports on 6 sections were presented at the international seminar.

The international seminar has successfully completed its work.

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